A 40-year-old carpenter, Ravi Kumar, was arrested on Friday for allegedly beating his 14-year-old son, R Tejas, to death in their home in Kashninagar, south Bengaluru. The incident occurred after the boy, who was struggling academically, demanded that his father repair his mobile phone, which he and his brother used for gaming.
According to police, Kumar became enraged when Tejas asked him to fix the phone. Shashikala, Tejas’ mother, told authorities that her husband had been frustrated with their son’s poor academic performance. After the demand, Kumar reportedly used a wooden log and a cricket bat to beat Tejas. In a fit of rage, he allegedly slammed Tejas’ head against the wall.
Ravi Kumar initially tried to cover up his actions by telling neighbors that Tejas had died from a sudden illness. He rushed to perform the boy’s last rites. However, Shashikala, suspicious of her husband’s story, reached out to neighbors for help. Police were notified and arrived at the scene, where Shashikala recounted the tragic events. She then filed a formal complaint against her husband.
After the beating, Tejas was unconscious and later moved to a nearby hospital by his mother. Ravi Kumar arrived at the hospital, only to learn that his son had died. Kumar was subsequently arrested on charges of murder. The police are continuing their investigation into the case.
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