The Mahakumbh Mela, the world’s largest religious gathering, began on January 13 in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. While Indian celebrities and politicians are expected to attend during the 45-day festival, international figures have been a rare sight—except for Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, who recently performed rituals at the sacred event.
However, thanks to the power of artificial intelligence, global icons from sports, politics, and entertainment have seemingly made their way to the banks of the Sangam—the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati rivers.
AI Video of Global Icons Goes Viral
An AI-generated video, shared by the Instagram page ‘Artificial Budhi,’ has captivated social media by depicting international celebrities at the Mahakumbh. In the video, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are seen taking a holy dip in the Sangam, alongside world leaders like Donald Trump, Rishi Sunak, and Vladimir Putin.
Hollywood stars, including Will Smith, Zendaya, and Tom Holland, also appear in the AI creation. Even tech billionaire Elon Musk was featured performing rituals at the sacred site.
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The video has garnered over 5.7 million views within days of its release. Social media users have been quick to praise its realistic execution, with one commenting, “Oscar award for editor,” and another calling it a “masterpiece.”
Praise and Ethical Concerns
While many lauded the creativity behind the video, concerns about ethical implications have also been raised. Critics questioned whether such AI-generated content crosses boundaries of respect or misrepresents traditions.
Responding to the criticism, ‘Artificial Budhi’ clarified their intentions in a comment:
“Guys, take it easy! Please check our account; we are devoted followers of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma. This video has been created with the utmost respect for our traditions and culture. If we have unintentionally hurt anyone’s feelings, we sincerely apologize.”
AI in Culture and Tradition
This viral video highlights the growing intersection of AI technology with cultural and religious traditions. While such content can engage audiences globally, it also sparks debates about authenticity, representation, and respect. The Mahakumbh Mela, steeped in centuries of tradition, now finds itself a canvas for modern technology.
As the festival continues, the conversation around this unique fusion of AI and culture is likely to evolve, leaving audiences to ponder its impact on both tradition and innovation.