Has any of you ever lost something which had a really priceless value and never seen it again? Most of the time, we think perhaps we might have dropped it somewhere or that it must have been thrown away by mistake. It’s some sort of closure at least. But this isn’t the case with everybody else. Imagine the anxiety one feels when he loses something dear to him in the trash. This was the case with one man from Chennai who broke his luck over something lost.

Devaraj of Chennai reportedly dropped a diamond necklace worth Rs 5 lakh in the common municipal garbage bin. More than its price, the necklace was very special and a marriage gift from his mother to his daughter for her upcoming wedding ceremony. Soon after realizing the blunder, Devaraj rushed to get in touch with the authorities.

A search quickly ensued, with one J. Anthonysamy—a driver with Urbaser Sumeet, the corporation’s outsourced waste management company—at the helm. Senior officials supervised the effort, according to India Today. After a long and vigorous search, the necklace was found entangled in a garland inside a dustbin and safely returned to its owner.

Devaraj was super grateful to Anthonysamy and all other garbage collectors who had arrived in time at the spot and worked relentlessly to retrieve the anklet that was very dear to Devaraj. Even though the story of Devaraj is unique in itself, he is not the single person to have been lucky enough to get back something valuable.

A month back, a man who was drilling a piece of rock realized that it contained many coins made of gold. Though the authenticity of the video could not be ascertained, the video went viral. The video showed the man drilling in what appeared to be mountainous territory. He did some drilling before using his metal detector, which beeped on something in that hole. Raking out the dirt, he found a coin inside the stone. Though not shiny like gold, the video’s caption said it was made of gold.