The highly anticipated Big Billion Days Sale of Flipkart kicked off on September 27, but the lead-up to the event was overshadowed by a controversial advertisement. The Bengaluru-based e-commerce giant faced backlash for promoting the sale with a video that referred to husbands using derogatory terms like “aalsi” (lazy), “kambakkht” (wretched), and “bewakoof” (foolish). This portrayal ignited a wave of criticism on social media, with many branding the ad as misandrist and toxic.
The animated advertisement aimed to provide women with clever tips on how to discreetly order and hide handbags from Flipkart without their husbands noticing. Although the intention seemed lighthearted, the narrative took a turn when it suggested ways to conceal a “special friend” visiting while husbands were away, leading to significant outrage among viewers.
In light of the widespread backlash, Flipkart swiftly removed the offending video and issued an apology. “We’re sorry for the offending video which was posted in error, and took it down as soon as we realized our mistake. We will do better in the future,” the company stated. The incident has sparked a conversation about advertising ethics and the responsibility of brands to promote positive representations.
Despite the controversy, the Big Billion Days Sale remains in full swing and will continue until October 6, offering a wide range of discounts and deals to consumers. As Flipkart moves forward, the incident serves as a reminder of the fine line brands must walk when creating advertisements that resonate with diverse audiences.
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