A bizarre conspiracy claiming that X owner Elon Musk uses a fake account to praise himself on his social media platform took an unusual turn. Journalist Jacqueline Sweet, who debunked the theory, appeared to be banned from X after publishing an investigation that uncovered Adrian Dittmann as a real person living in Fiji, rather than Musk using a pseudonym to compliment himself.
Sweet’s article, which identified Dittmann as a German businessman, was published in The Spectator World. In response, Musk shared a cryptic post on X, writing: “I am Adrian Dittmann. It’s time the world knew,” adding further intrigue among his followers.
I am Adrian Dittmann. It’s time the world knew.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 5, 2025
Dittmann’s mention
Meanwhile, Sweet’s managing editor revealed that her account had been suspended for 30 days. Additionally, Dittmann’s mention in her article was flagged as containing “violent or misleading content.”
Dittmann’s X account had drawn attention for its unwavering admiration of Musk over the years, fueling speculation that the SpaceX CEO was using the profile to defend himself and promote his views.
While some claimed to have evidence linking Musk directly to Dittmann, Sweet’s investigation appeared to put an end to all the speculation.
However, the suspension of Sweet’s account sparked heated controversy. Critics of Musk and X argued that the platform was suppressing journalism to protect Musk’s image.
“This is a direct assault on press freedom,” one user wrote.
Elon Musk has blocked the ability to post this article by the Spectator.
The real Adrian Dittmann
An Elon Musk fan in Fiji tricks the world
by Jacqueline Sweet
URL: https://thespectator. com/topic/real-adrian-dittmann-not-elon-musk-x-account-fiji/ pic.twitter.com/QIcpom5y0O
— Joshua K 🔻 (@OnePartyRules) January 6, 2025
it appears that @JSweetLI has had her @x account restricted for her @TheSpectator reporting into @AdrianDittmann not being an @elonmusk alt account… https://t.co/EYQ9Xfyrkj pic.twitter.com/GyPdcq1Lfq
— Matt McDonald (@mattjpfmcdonald) January 5, 2025
Sweet interviewed Adrian Dittmann?
Musk’s supporters, however, defended the suspension of Sweet’s account, arguing that her reporting crossed ethical lines by disclosing personal details about Dittmann.
Sweet’s report described Dittmann as the son of a German software engineer with a background in commercial ventures, including a bottled water company and a marina.
Her report on Dittmann was supported by his social media posts and his involvement in events like the Musk Foundation’s $100 million Xprize Carbon Removal Contest.
However, critics noted that Dittmann was not interviewed for the report, leaving certain details about his identity unclear.