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Troovy: Nourishing Kids with Wholesome Nutrition

What inspired you to start Troovy? Answer: The inspiration for Troovy came from a personal experience when our son turned three and struggled with embracing healthy foods. This challenge led us to delve into children’s eating habits, food preferences, and the broader issues within food farming methods and supply chains. Realizing the significant gaps in […]

  1. What inspired you to start Troovy?

Answer: The inspiration for Troovy came from a personal experience when our son turned three and struggled with embracing healthy foods. This challenge led us to delve into children’s eating habits, food preferences, and the broader issues within food farming methods and supply chains. Realizing the significant gaps in children’s nutrition, even in affluent households, motivated us to create Troovy to ensure complete, clean nutrition for every child.


  1. What is the mission and vision of Troovy?

Answer: Troovy’s mission is to revolutionize the nutritional landscape for children in India, ensuring they receive complete, clean nutrition every day. Our vision is an India where every parent can confidently provide their children with the nutrition they need to grow and thrive, helping them achieve their full potential.


  1. Can you elaborate on the unique approach Troovy takes to children’s nutrition?

Answer: Troovy combines four innovations never before seen together in Indian food products: a diverse array of veggies and grains, optimal nutrition, no artificial chemicals (even in wet products), and incredible taste. This unique approach ensures that our products are not only nutritious but also safe and appealing to children.


  1. What are some of Troovy’s key products, and what makes them special?

Answer:  Troovy started with India’s first nutrition-loaded, 100% chemical-free sauces, with our Tomato Sauce becoming a best-seller. Recently, we launched The Healthy Milk Mix, a nutritious blend crafted from premium plant proteins, millets, grains, and nuts, packed with 23 essential vitamins and minerals. Unlike other brands, our products are free from processed sugars and harmful chemicals, ensuring a low glycemic index. We use the lowest total sugar percentage, derived solely from jaggery, while ensuring an amazing taste that children love.


  1. How do you ensure that Troovy products are both nutritious and appealing to children?

Answer: We focus on creating products that not only provide optimal nutrition but also taste great. For instance, our Healthy Milk Mix is sweetened with jaggery instead of sugar, ensuring it is delicious and healthy. We also use a variety of natural ingredients like premium plant proteins and nuts to enhance both the taste and nutritional value of our products.

  1. What challenges did you face when starting Troovy, and how did you overcome them?

Answer: Starting Troovy was a journey filled with challenges, primarily in developing our 100% chemical-free sauces. It took 16 months of relentless research and development to find natural alternatives to chemical preservatives and additives. We collaborated with food scientists and sourced high-quality natural ingredients, testing various combinations to meet our strict standards for taste, texture, and shelf stability. Our perseverance paid off, allowing us to create sauces that are both delicious and nutritious. This dedication to quality and innovation sets Troovy apart and drives our success.

  1. What impact do you hope Troovy will have on children’s health and nutrition in India?

Answer: We aim to eliminate parents’ nutritional concerns by making complete, clean nutrition simple and affordable for all. By ensuring children receive the necessary vitamins, minerals, and proteins, we hope to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in adulthood, contributing to a healthier future generation. Our focus on providing balanced nutrition, including adequate protein intake, is essential for children’s growth, development, and overall well-being.


  1. Can you share some insights into the market needs that Troovy addresses?

Answer: According to the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey, a significant proportion of children in affluent households suffer from stunted growth or micronutrient deficiencies. Troovy addresses this latent need for comprehensive nutrition solutions by providing products that meet the recommended dietary allowances for vitamins and minerals, supporting growth, immunity, and cognitive development.


  1. How do your professional backgrounds contribute to the success of Troovy?

Answer: Mansi’s decade-long experience in consumer products and her work with Fortune 500 companies on growth strategies, distribution, and supply chain optimization have been instrumental in shaping Troovy’s mission and approach. Aditya’s expertise in growth hacking and his leadership role at Zomato’s nutrition business provided a unique perspective on youth nutrition and supplements, setting the stage for Troovy’s innovative products.


  1. What are Troovy’s future plans and goals?

Answer: Our future plans include expanding our product range to offer more comprehensive nutrition solutions for children. We aim to continue innovating and introducing products that make complete, clean nutrition simple and affordable for all families in India, ultimately transforming the nutritional landscape for children nationwide.

Mansi Baranwal – Chief Executive Officer at Troovy
