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HOME» Tag » Upsc UPSC to Use Aadhaar-Based Authentication for Candidate Verification Amid Identity Fraud Case Lateral entry: UPSC Asked To cancel Advt Union Minister Requests UPSC Chairman to Cancel Lateral Entry Advertisement Following PM’s Directive Rahul Gandhi Criticizes Modi’s Lateral Entry, RSS Appointments CBI takes over Three UPSC Aspirants’ Death Investigation “Changed Her & Parents’ Name”: How Former IAS Trainee Officer Puja Khedkar Duped UPSC UPSC Cancels Provisional Candidature Of Controversial IAS Officer Puja Khedkar No Action On Complaints: Karol Bagh Residents Point Finger At Delhi Administration Video: Rau’s IAS Faculty’s Reaction To Flooding During Live Class UPSC Plans Biometric Tech Upgrade; Deshmukh Alleges BJP Pressure UPSC To Revamp Exam System With New Tech After Pooja Khedkar ‘Fraud’ Case: Facial Recognition And QR Codes… Early Resignation Of UPSC Chief Manoj Soni: What’s The Real Reason? UPSC Cancels IAS Probationer Puja Khedkar’s Candidature Over Exam Fraud Maharashtra Halts Training for Controversial IAS Trainee Puja Khedkar NDA 2 Notification 2024 Released, Apply Online For 404 Posts Farmer’s Son Pawan Kumar Achieves UPSC Dream, Ranks 239 UPSC Tale: The Inspirational Odyssey of IAS Nirish Rajput K Shivaram, actor and former IAS officer passes away at 70 UPSC more difficult than IIT JEE, X users tell Anand Mahindra UPSC IES, ISS 2023 Final Result Declared; Toppers Listed Varun Dhawan praises Vikrant Massey for 12th fail UPSC Students Hold Protest In Delhi PM Narendra Modi launches ‘Rojgar Mela’ recruitment drive Lowest number of Candidates recruited by UPSC in 2021-2022, Government data
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