Delhi batter Yash Dhull registered a century in the second innings of the ongoing Ranji Trophy match against Tamil Nadu. Earlier, Dhull had also scored a ton in the first innings of the ongoing match. And now the right-handed batter registered yet another ton in the second innings on Day 4 of the ongoing Elite Group H contest here at the Barsapara Cricket Stadium, Guwahati. Sent out to open, Dhull brought up the three-figure mark in the second innings off 200 balls with the help of 13 boundaries. He is the only third Indian batter to score centuries in both innings of FC debut.
In the first innings, the right-handed young Delhi batter was dismissed after playing a knock of 113. Sent to bat first, Delhi scored 452 runs in the first innings while Tamil Nadu posted 494, gaining a lead of 42 runs. Earlier, Dhull had led India to a record fifth U19 World Cup triumph after the boys in blue defeated England in the summit clash.
The Ranji Trophy would be held in two phases and now it has been confirmed that the pre-Indian Premier League (IPL) phase would run from February 10 to March 15. The post-IPL-phase would run from May 30 to June 26. The Ranji Trophy this season would see 64 matches being played across 62 days.
There are eight Elite Groups and one Plate Group. There would be four teams in Elite Groups and six teams would make up the Plate Group. One team from each Elite Group will qualify for the quarterfinal stages. The lowest-ranked of the eight qualified teams will have to play a pre-quarterfinal with the top team from the Plate Group.