India’s T20 World Cup-winning cricketers wore a special ‘champions’ jersey to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday. The jersey, in orange and blue with ‘Champions’ written at the center, was specially designed for Team India’s meeting with PM Modi. It was the same jersey that the Indian team wore during the World Cup in the USA and Caribbean islands, with the only differences being the ‘champions’ on their chest and an extra star on top of the BCCI logo, denoting India’s two T20 World Cup trophies.
Previously, India’s T20I jersey had only one star for their victory in the inaugural edition in 2007. They added to that by winning their title after 17 years under Rohit Sharma’s leadership.
India wicketkeeper-batter Sanju Samson, who did not get to play a match in the tournament but was part of the 15-member team, shared the first glimpse of the special jersey on his social media handle.
The players were seen leaving the ITC Maurya Hotel wearing the same jersey to meet PM Modi. Notably, only the cricketers, the coaches, and the top BCCI officials went to meet the PM while the family members waited at the hotel.
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