The third season of Pro Tennis League witnessed, expectedly, top players of India getting highest bidding. Under the auction process, a total of 40 players were divided in 5 groups and bought by 8 teams. These groups included Professional Men’s Players -1 , Professional Women’s Players, Professional Men’s Players -2 , NextGen Tennis Player and 35+ Professional Players.
3rd season of the Pro-Tennis League (PTL) is starting from 21st December 2021 at DLTA Complex, RK Khanna Tennis Academy in New Delhi.
This is almost 2 years after the successful seasons of 2018 and 2019, PTL is coming back.
Men’s Pro 1 category player Ramkumar Ramanathan was bagged for the highest auction price that was Rs.43,50,000. Saketh Myneni was the second player who was sold at Rs, 41,50,000 in the Men’s Pro 1 category.
Each team will have 4 men’s category while a single women’s category. All the action will begin from 21st December 2021 at DLTA, R.K. Khanna Stadium.