At the ISSF Shooting World Cup, the Indian pair comprising of Divya Subbaraju Thadigol and Sarabjot Singh secured the gold medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team competition on Thursday. The Indians outperformed Serbia’s Zorana Arunovic and Damir Mikec by shooting a total of 16 points compared to their opponents’ score of 14 points in the gold medal match.
Simal Yilmaz and Ismail Keles of Turkey won the bronze medal by defeating the Italian duo of Sara Costantino and Paolo Monna 17-9 in the 10m air pistol mixed team competition at the ISSF Shooting World Cup. Meanwhile, the Indian team consisting of Esha Singh and Varun Tomar finished sixth in the qualification round with a total of 578 points, while their compatriots Divya Subbaraju Thadigol and Sarabjot Singh, who eventually won the gold medal, topped the qualification round with a score of 581. India got off to a good start in the tournament as Rhythm Sangwan won a bronze medal in the women’s 10m air pistol event. She secured third place in the final with a score of 219.1, behind Anna Korakaki of Greece, the Olympic champion, and Olena Kostevych of Ukraine, who won gold in the 2004 Athens Olympics. This was Sangwan’s first individual senior medal at the ISSF Shooting World Cup.