We are living in times of widespread suffering. Whether or not we are directly affected, the knowledge of the sorrow that is being experienced, in one way or another across our world, has an impact on us. The outer world is a reflection of the inner mindset of the human race.

We seem to be trying to fix what is wrong ‘out there’ by only looking out there for the solutions. But we are human beings, the physical human and the spiritual being, and we are full of potential that is lying dormant within. When we connect to our inner world, we become more aware, more awake. If we only look outside, it is like watching a movie in just two dimensions. It is no longer feasible to live a life of two dimensions; we need to be living in 3D. It is no surprise that many are suffering from some sort of depression, not seeing the point of anything. When we are not working on our potential and helping it to bloom, then all the beauty is asleep and life seems worthless. When we decide to explore our inner world and find the treasures within, the ensuing state of mind is as different from before as day and sunlight are to darkness. We need to open some windows and let in the light.

Giving meaning to our lives and finding our purpose is the most mature and fulfilling quest we could possibly undertake. Maturity has nothing to do with age, it has to do with consciousness. The richest nourishment comes from within. Everything that each one of us needs and everything that our world needs is contained within. To make our world a place of wonder, beauty, love, and peace again, is up to each one of us, and our journey inwards.
The first step is to know the self. Who is it that is living this life of mine? Who am I, really? What are my true qualities, what does my darker side hold, what is my full potential? I am consciousness. I am light. I am the soul, and everything starts from knowing my spiritual essence – through meditation. Once we learn how to do this, we see how the roles we play and the labels we are given are simply ways to be identified in this physical dimension. We must fulfil all our responsibilities, but the roles and labels do not define us. We know deep inside that we must be something other – that is why we search for peace, love, joy, wisdom, and understanding. Meditation is like becoming aware of the self and allowing the self to bloom. We begin as a bud and the more the awareness grows, the more the soul begins to bloom, as petal after petal begins to open and the fragrance of spirituality can be shared with others.

Although it may not seem clear, there is a divine plan unfolding. The plan of life is beautiful and very clever. Everything we need is within, we just need to open our consciousness and become aware. The meaning of life is to discover the self, and the purpose is to share and express the beauty within, with others. The world can become a righteous world that can support humanity and all living beings, a world that is beautiful. It is such a simple and yet such a deep destiny.

It is a little like magic. We had lost the awareness of other dimensions to life and the higher purpose, but when we turn within, there is light. Intuition and inspiration become aligned and fewer questions are needed, because all the answers begin to ‘land’ in our consciousness. We understand that I am the creator of my thoughts and each one of us is a unique combination of the five main attributes of the soul; peace, love, joy, wisdom, and purity. In the same way as the glory of a rainbow is the blending of just three primary colours, and the most enchanting symphony is a blending of just seven basic musical notes, each soul, seen as a painting or as a symphony, is unique. Meditation is like the fine tuning of the soul, a unique and special composition.

Meditation helps us reach our sacred space within. With the two pillars of meaning and purpose, our life becomes clearer, we become stronger and more stable. When we then make the connection with the Divine Source of all spirituality, we have a triangle or a sacred geometric form, as that relationship is the arch connecting meaning with purpose. It is sacred architecture for our inner sanctuary. We have to live within society, in our physical world, but while integrating work, family and society – we can work in parallel to take care of the self, and be more connected with the real meaning of life, and with God. There is a world beyond the physical ‘ceiling’ of our awareness, and it is important to keep a connection with the spiritual world. We keep the gate open to receive the inspiration, guidance and wisdom that will fuel my life as a human being. Our meaning is to discover the self, our purpose is to express the full unique potential within and ultimately, in a connection with the Divine, with the Supreme Being, radiate the power received from that dimension and turn our world into a place of perfection.

Patricia Mayer lives in Paris, France.