What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Christmas? The Christmas tree, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, carols, cakes, and decorating the house and tree… in short, merry-making. Many times in all these celebrations, we forget that life isn’t always easy for everyone. There are people around us struggling through something. For example, I have a friend going through a bad marriage, another friend struggling with aging parents in and out of hospitals, someone who has lost a co-worker to suicide, and a friend whose parents have disowned her, feeling abandoned and lonely. In short, we are all struggling through life.

Then suddenly, Christmas comes sweeping by with twinkling lights, cozy warm fireplaces, chestnuts roasting, and carols sung by neighborhood kids. Instead of being happy and cheerful, we feel sad. Life is not always rosy, and sometimes it appears full of thorns. Whenever we see families celebrating and enjoying, we think, ‘Why is my life so sad and not like theirs? It hurts.’

And then I saw and imagined Christmas like this: Traveling on a donkey at full term. All those people milling about and no place to stay. A baby born in a barn to this young family struggling in the middle of a desperately broken world. I can’t imagine any of it was warm and cozy. And certainly not simple. I bet it smelled. I bet Mary screamed. I bet baby Jesus cried as she struggled to nurse him. I bet there was blood, dirt, tears, and donkey poop. And I bet she wondered what in the world she was doing there. Why her?

The Christmas Story isn’t about twinkly lights or making merry. And though the promises are everywhere, it’s not about making it ‘simple’ either. Not really. Christmas is about HOPE. Grace and Truth arrived on Christmas to say, ‘I know it’s hard. I know you are struggling. I know you feel like you have nowhere else to turn. And you didn’t think life would look anything like this. But I’m here now. I’m here forever. I’m here for YOU. Come… follow me.’

It’s true, Christmas won’t ‘fix’ everything. It won’t magically transform your life into one of those warm, cozy Folgers commercials. It won’t make everything easier or anywhere close to what you thought it might be. He told us this life is hard. But He promises we’ll never struggle alone.
Yes, Christmas is all about ‘Hope.’ Merry Christmas to All… Let sadness, despair, and disappointments be replaced with joy, happiness, love, and togetherness.”