The Gita of Ashtavakra
A conversation between Ashtavakra and King Janaka is known as the Ashtavakra Gita. Immerse yourself in the age-old wisdom of the Ashtavakra Gita, a wealth of spiritual insights that are profoundly relevant in today’s hectic world. It is a useful manual for leading a tranquil, wise, and free life in addition to being an esoteric literature.

Synopsis of Ashtavakra’s Teachings:
The sage Ashtavakra, who had eight bends in his body, embodied the great truths rather than merely pontificating about them. His teachings offer a radical way of looking at the self, the universe, and everything in between. They are distilled into dialogues with King Janaka.

Self-Awareness about oneself
Explore the Ashtavakra Gita’s insights on the nature of the self, which transcends both the physical and mental layers of existence. Recognize the idea of Atman, the timeless reality concealed behind the ephemeral, transitory universe.

The Illusion of Identity and Ego:
Peel back the layers of masks you’ve put on. According to Ashtavakra, our sense of self and ego are only delusions that keep us imprisoned in ignorance and pain. Find out why realizing this illusion is the first step to liberation.

The Way to Actual Emancipation
Detachment and Inner Freedom:
Ashtavakra praises the quality of detachment, describing it as the highest expression of embracing life rather than apathy. Recognize how detachment is a powerful defense against life’s ups and downs and how it leads to inner liberation.
The Path Beyond Desires:
Ashtavakra’s teachings reverse the flow of a world that perpetually satisfies appetites by promoting a path beyond them to a peaceful, contented state. Examine how discovering the deeper source of fulfillment—rather than suppressing desires—is the key to transcending them.

The Practice of Present-Moment Living
Accepting the Present:
Acknowledge the significance of this moment, which is our only reality. The dialogues of Ashtavakra serve as an invitation to live completely in the now, free from worries about the past or the future.
Overcoming the Time-bound Mind:
Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to go beyond the mind’s automatic tendencies, which constantly alternate between the past and the future. Learn how to overcome a time-bound thinking, which is the source of all unhappiness.

Gaining Control Over Your Thoughts
Methods for Mental Equilibrium:
Discover the wise counsel for keeping your mind in balance in a world that is always changing. Learn the techniques and meditations that can help you achieve calmness and clarity.
The Significance of Meditation and Mindfulness:
Recognize how centrally Ashtavakra’s teachings place meditation and mindfulness. Immerse yourself in the techniques that aid in mind control and self-realization.

Emotional Hardiness
Managing Joy and Sorrow with Equianimity:
Ashtavakra teaches the skill of remaining calm in the face of life’s emotional rollercoaster. Discover how to feel both happiness and sadness without losing your inner serenity.
Discover the paradoxical strength that comes with being vulnerable in “The Strength in Vulnerability.” Recognize how a deep sense of strength and resilience can result from acknowledging and appreciating your vulnerabilities.

Morality and Behavior
Ethical Behavior in the Contemporary Era:
Examine how the age-old Ashtavakra teachings can direct moral behavior in the intricate world of today. Gain a spiritual perspective on the meaning of acts and their effects.
Karma and Conscious Decision Making:
Examine Ashtavakra’s explanation on karma. Discover how making thoughtful decisions and being aware of the consequences of our actions can result in a life that is more harmonious.

The Spiritual Life’s Simplicity
Minimalism and Contentment:
Examine Ashtavakra’s teachings’ emphasis on simplicity and minimalism. Recognize that living a simple life is about discovering the richness of contentment rather than about deprivation.
Rejecting Material Excess:
Acquire the wisdom to refuse needless material accumulation in a world that exalts excess. Find happiness and liberty in leading a life that prioritizes substance over extravagance.

The Road Ahead
Apply the high spiritual values to daily life. Discover useful hints and methods for transforming your daily existence by using Ashtavakra’s teachings.

Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Chief Happiness Officer at NumroVani, is an Astro Numerologist and life and relationship Coach on a mission to transform human lives by curating synergy between human aura and cosmic universe
by leveraging traditional intellectual knowledge of Bharat.