Jammu, 12 December: In a swift and coordinated operation, Jammu Police have successfully apprehended six individuals involved in an attempted murder case in the Ring Road Kunjwani area, under the jurisdiction of Bishnah Police Station. The suspects fired at the victim using a desi katta with the intent to kill, before throwing him from a height of 50-60 feet and fleeing the scene.
The victim, critically injured, was promptly assisted by local residents who transported him to Sub-District Hospital (SDH) Bishnah for medical treatment.
Following the registration of FIR No. 207/24 under Sections 109, 115(2), 191(2) BNS, and 4/25 of the Arms Act, a dedicated team of officers led by the Station House Officer (SHO) of Bishnah, under the supervision of SDPO RS Pura and SP HQ Jammu, launched an intensive investigation. Multiple raids were carried out, resulting in the arrest of all six accused within 48 hours of the crime.
During interrogation, the suspects admitted their involvement in the attack, leading to the recovery of the desi katta (a country-made firearm) used in the crime. Additionally, the vehicle used by the accused, a Swift car bearing registration number JK02DL 6601, was seized.
The case is still under active investigation, with police continuing to gather evidence and probe the motive behind the attack.