MUMBAI: Shreyas Talpade turned a year older on Wednesday, and is happy to spend his special day with family and friends. “I usually have a working birthday, but this time it is different. I am spending my birthday with family and friends. With (daughter) Aadya growing up, all priorities change. Now it boils down to what she likes,” Shreyas told IANS. The actor doesn’t often post photos or videos of his little one, but on Republic Day on 26 January, he shared a picture of her holding the Tricolour. He tweeted alongside the photo: “Right at the Top… that’s where our Flag belongs. Happy Republic Day.” As for the year ahead, Shreyas shared: “2021 is an important year for me as I will launch Nine Rasa an OTT platform exclusively for theatre and performing arts.” The actor, known for his roles in films such as ‘Iqbal’, ‘Om Shanti Om’, and the ‘Golmaal’ franchise, also has “interesting work lined up both in Hindi and Marathi languages.”