Renowned filmmaker Hansal Mehta has revealed the exciting news of the third installment in his popular ‘Scam’ franchise. Titled ‘Scam 2010: The Subrata Roy Saga,’ the upcoming show will delve into the intriguing story of Subrata Roy, the founder of the Sahara group of businesses.
Sc3m is back!🔥💰
Scam 2010: The Subrata Roy Saga, coming soon on @SonyLIV#Scam2010OnSonyLIV
⁰@applausesocial @SonyLIVIntl @SPNStudioNEXT @nairsameer@deepaksegal @mehtahansal @Indranil1601 @prasoon_garg@PriyaJhavar @DevnidhiB @001Danish @saugatam @amansri News— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) May 16, 2024
Hansal Mehta took to social media to announce the project, expressing his enthusiasm for bringing this captivating narrative to the audience. He shared, “Sc3m is back! Scam 2010: The Subrata Roy Saga, coming soon on @sonylivindia #Scam2010OnSonyLIV #Scam2010.”
Subrata Roy’s life is a tale of immense success and legal complexities. The Sahara group expanded across various sectors such as finance, real estate, media, and hospitality under his leadership. However, in 2014, Roy faced legal troubles when the Supreme Court of India ordered his detention due to non-appearance in court related to a dispute with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). This resulted in a prolonged legal battle, including a period of incarceration in Tihar Jail. Subrata Roy eventually passed away in November 2023 at the age of 74.
Hansal Mehta, serving as the Show Runner and Director, expressed his deep connection to the ‘Scam’ franchise, describing it as a chronicle of contemporary times. He expressed his excitement about collaborating with Applause Entertainment and Sony LIV once again to bring this larger-than-life story to the screen.
Sameer Nair, Managing Director of Applause Entertainment, highlighted the immense success and cultural impact of the ‘Scam’ series. He emphasized that ‘Scam 2010: The Subrata Roy Saga’ aims to offer audiences an immersive experience into the life of one of India’s most audacious business personalities.
Created by Applause Entertainment, ‘Scam 2010’ will premiere on SonyLiv, although the cast details are yet to be revealed. This latest addition to the ‘Scam’ franchise promises to raise the bar even higher, delivering a gripping narrative of ambition, success, and legal battles in the Indian business landscape.