The birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was celebrated as Good Governance Day in the BJP office on Monday. On the occasion of Good Governance Day, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma assured the public that no schemes will be closed but public facilities will be expanded in the services of the public. The government is working on a 100-day action plan. The government will fulfil all the promises included in the BJP’s manifesto.
Addressing concerns about women’s safety and corruption, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma reiterated a zero-tolerance policy. He stated that atrocities against women would not be tolerated, and strict instructions had been issued to officials. The government, aligned with Prime Minister Modi’s policy of ‘neither will eat nor will let anyone eat,’ pledged to take decisive action against corruption, including recovery measures.
Before the program, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma paid homage to Atal Bihari Vajpayee by offering flowers at his portrait in the BJP office. The event witnessed the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari, MP Ramcharan Bohra, Rajya Sabha MP Ghanshyam Tiwari, and other prominent figures. Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma urged all BJP workers to actively participate in the Bharat Vikas Sankalp Yatra, emphasizing the government’s commitment to reaching the last person in the state through public welfare schemes. The responsibility was placed on BJP workers to maximize the inclusion of people in the camps organized during the developed journey.
In a proactive move, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma has rolled out an ambitious 100-day action plan for the Education Department in Rajasthan, underscoring the government’s commitment to education as a priority even prior to the formation of the cabinet. The comprehensive plan encompasses various crucial aspects, including the initiation of recruitment processes for vacant posts in 402 PM Shri Schools across Rajasthan, workshops to raise awareness about good and bad touches for girls in classes 3 to 8 within 30 days, and the commencement of the recruitment process for the year 2024, covering numerous teaching posts.
The plan further includes the approval of new posts, the provision of workbooks and textbooks starting from the pre-primary class, and the distribution of bicycles to girls, starting from Jaipur on Basant Panchami next year. Additionally, special arrangements have been outlined for promoting DPC promotions for over 18 thousand posts.
Infrastructure and facility-related measures involve drafting guidelines for bicycle distribution to students who have passed the 6th class within 60 days, initiation of the NIC module for online admission to BHIM in Mahatma Gandhi English Medium School, and the initiation of a special committee to address issues faced by contractual teachers and departmental employees. The plan also outlines the completion of the process to amend service rules for contractual employees within 90 days, along with a salary increase for Rajasthan teachers honoured at the national level within the same timeframe. Altogether, the action plan demonstrates a comprehensive approach to addressing the immediate needs of the education sector in Rajasthan, emphasising infrastructure development, faculty welfare, and support for students.