Congress leader Rahul Gandhi travelled in a truck from Delhi to Chandigarh to listen to the problems faced by truck drivers, the party said on Tuesday. Gandhi undertook the journey Monday night, and in visuals and videos, the former Congress chief, donning his trademark white T-shirt, is seen sitting inside a truck, travelling with a driver, and speaking to drivers at a dhaba. “The leader of the people, @RahulGandhi ji, reached among the truck drivers to know their problems. Rahul ji travelled with them from Delhi to Chandigarh,” the Congress said in a tweet in Hindi.
Gandhi also stopped near a gurdwara in Ambala City along the Ambala-Chandigarh national highway early Tuesday morning and paid obeisance there. “According to media reports, there are about 90 lakh truck drivers on the Indian roads. They have their own problems. Rahul ji did the work of listening to their ‘Mann Ki Baat’,” the Congress said.
Haryana Congress chief Udai Bhan told that Gandhi travelled with truck drivers, halted en route, and listened to the problems faced by them. Congress’ social media department head, Supriya Shrinate, shared pictures of Gandhi travelling in a truck and meeting with truck drivers. Congress sources said Gandhi was on his way to Shimla to spend some time with his mother, Sonia Gandhi, and on the way he decided to listen to the problems of truck
Station House Officer of Baldev Nagar Police Station, Ambala City, Ram Kumar, said at around 4.30 am, Gandhi got down from a truck near Gurdwara Manji Sahib on GT Road. He went inside the gurdwara, paid obeisance, and spent a few minutes there. He also had tea in the ‘langar’ at the gurdwara, Kumar said. Later, he again boarded a truck and left towards Chandigarh, the SHO said.