Punjab Health and Family Welfare Minister Chetan Singh Jauramajra has ordered a four-member enquiry committee to submit a report on the incident in which a woman was allegedly forced to deliver her child on the floor of the civil hospital in Punjab’s Pathankot after she was denied admission to the labour room.
Jauramajra had constituted a four-member committee comprising Dr Raj Kumar, District Family Welfare officer; Dr Vandana Kundal, Deputy Medical Commissioner; Dr Harnavneet, gynaecologist; Dr Bindu Gupta, SMO to conduct this inquiry. This committee has been ordered to submit their inquiry report
by October 4.
The Health Minister said, “any laxity on part of the staff members of the department would not be tolerated”.
Ever since he has taken charge as Health Minister, strict instructions from his side have been issued to the staff to behave politely with the patients to ensure that the general public does not face any inconvenience while getting services at government hospitals, said Jauramajra.
Jauramajra said, “there is already a provision for punishment according to the service rules for those government employees who are negligent or act irresponsibly and appropriate disciplinary action would be taken against that person whosoever would be found guilty in the Pathankot case”.