The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Wednesday declined the affidavit submitted by comedian Shyam Rangeela, who had filed his nomination as an Independent candidate from Varanasi, running against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As per the election commission’s website, among 55 candidates, the forms of 36 nominees were dismissed, while the affidavits of 15 candidates, including PM Modi and Congress’ Ajay Rai, were approved.
Shyam Rangeela submitted his nomination as an Independent candidate from Varanasi on Tuesday. The comedian and mimic further claimed that he was obstructed from submitting his nomination papers.
Rangeela informed reporters that despite his attempts to file his nomination since May 10, he was barred from entering the district magistrate’s office on the day Prime Minister Modi submitted his nomination papers.
Previously a supporter of PM Modi, Rangeela had previously stated that the situation had altered over the last decade, prompting his decision to run for elections in Varanasi.
“In 2014, I was a follower of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I shared many videos supporting the Prime Minister. Videos were also shared against Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal. Seeing them, one could say that I will vote only for the Bharatiya Janata Party for the next 70 years. But the situation has changed in the last 10 years. I will now contest against the Prime Minister in the Lok Sabha polls as an Independent candidate,” he had announced.
Rangeela rose to prominence for his impersonations of PM Modi and Congress President Rahul Gandhi on a comedy program.
Varanasi is scheduled to hold elections in the seventh and final phase on June 1.
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