During a routine checkpoint inspection conducted on Sunday night under the guidelines of the Model Code of Conduct in Rajouri district of Jammu region, police seized cash amounting to Rs 5.14 lakhs from two vehicles. Official sources reported that during the routine vehicle inspection led by Station House Officer Vishal Kumar in the Dharamsal area, […]
During a routine checkpoint inspection conducted on Sunday night under the guidelines of the Model Code of Conduct in Rajouri district of Jammu region, police seized cash amounting to Rs 5.14 lakhs from two vehicles.
Official sources reported that during the routine vehicle inspection led by Station House Officer Vishal Kumar in the Dharamsal area, a team of Dharamsala police intercepted two vehicles on the highway and confiscated cash.
Following the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct, the police have heightened vigilance.
According to sources, during the inspection at the Siot checkpoint near Kalakote, Mohammad Azad Ahmed, son of Mohammad Aslam, a resident of Khari tehsil and district Poonch, was found carrying Rs 3,81,000 in cash.
Additionally, Palak Sharma wife of Bhanu Sharma, a resident of Akhnoor, was found in possession of Rs 1,33,000 in cash. She currently resides in the military colony in Jammu.