The much-awaited teaser of Kartik Aaryan’s upcoming film ‘Dhamaka’ is out and it features him in a new avatar which will definitely pique the curiosity of viewers. The nearly one-minute-long teaser was shared by the actor on his Instagram account. He also revealed that the movie is set to stream on Netflix without giving away the release date. Kartik captioned the post, “Main hoon Arjun Pathak. Jo bhi Kahunga Sach Kahunga. #Dhamaka, Coming soon, only on Netflix.” In the intriguing teaser, the actor can be seen giving an insight into the intense, gritty, and solid character of a news anchor. Breaking away from the usually light-hearted roles Kartik ventures into the intense world of thriller cinema with ‘Dhamaka’. The teaser sees him in a raw and rustic avatar and it is all about his character and the way he is handling the stressful situation amidst live cameras. The teaser of ‘Dhamaka’ promises a gripping story woven around a news anchor reporting a hard-hitting incident of a bomb-blast in realtime.
Kartik said, “‘Dhamaka’ has been a very exciting and enriching experience for me as an actor. Working with a maverick like Ram Madhvani has allowed me to explore and showcase a new facet of my personality. I am thrilled that the film will reach audiences and my fans all around the world on Netflix.” Director Ram Madhvani said, “I have been wanting to collaborate with Kartik for some years now. And I’m thrilled he wanted to do ‘Dhamaka’. Every day Kartik gave his all to the 360-degree system with which I work. His full involvement, passion, and precise calibration as an actor is something that I hugely respect. It would be great to collaborate with him again as he made my work better.”