New Delhi: BJP leader Jyotiraditya Scindia on Tuesday, reacting to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s “backbencher” remarks said that he did not wish to comment as he had maintained a certain level in the past one year. “I don’t wish to comment as I have maintained a certain level in the past one year and has always stood above that level,” Scindia told reporters in Parliament. While speaking to news agency ANI, however, he added that it would have been a different situation, had Rahul Gandhi been concerned the same way as he is now when he was in Congress.
“I wish Rahul Gandhi was as concerned when I was in the congress party as he is when I am not in the congress party that is all I want to say on Rahul Gandhi remarks,” he said.
Rahul Gandhi, while interacting with Youth Congress national office-bearers in Delhi on Monday, said, “Scindia could have become a chief minister with Congress, but has become backbencher in BJP.” The Congress leader, according to sources quoted by ANI, also said, “Write it down, he will never become Chief Minister there. He will have to come back here for that.”
Scindia left the Congress, his party of 19 years, in March last year, leading to the collapse of the party’s Kamal Nath government and the return of the BJP in Madhya Pradesh. Sources close to him claimed that he failed to get an appointment with Sonia Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi for months.