MUMBAI: The Family Man actor Priyamani once shared the screen with ‘Badshah’ of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan. The two matched steps in Rohit Shetty’s 2013 film Chennai Express in the song “1 2 3 4 Get on the Dance Floor”. Like many who have worked with SRK, Priyamani also feels he is “an absolute sweetheart” and a “sweet guy” who makes one feel comfortable. Priyamani reached the sets of Chennai Express a day in advance, and from that time she built a good rapport with Shah Rukh. They even played Kaun Banega Crorepati on his iPad, which led to her winning Rs 300 that she still has in her wallet. The game show, KBC, is hosted by Amitabh Bachchan but Shah Rukh also hosted its third season.

“Right from that time till the time we finished the shoot, he has been an absolute sweetheart. He has taken care of all of us so well. So much so, that in between, we played Kaun Banega Crorepati on his iPad. He gave me Rs 300, which I still have with me in my wallet. He just makes you feel comfortable. He is such a sweet guy and as I said, he is one of the biggest superstars we have in our country,” the 37-year-old actor told Zoom. The actor was mighty impressed with SRK’s dedication to his work as well. She revealed how King Khan practised the dance steps a day in advance and also used the breaks in between the shots to make his steps better.


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