In an exclusive interview with India News Haryana, BJP’s key strategist for Haryana, Biplab Kumar Deb, revealed insightful perspectives on the party’s election strategies and the evolving political scenario in the state.
Addressing the BJP’s approach to election preparedness, Deb emphasized the party’s continuous focus on organizational development rather than specific election-centric preparations. He highlighted the significance of the party’s day-to-day operational efficiency, resonating from the grassroots level to the national sphere, as the key factor in yielding favorable outcomes during elections.
On the prospect of simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, Deb underscored that the sequence of polls typically follows the mandate of the Election Commission. He iterated that the party’s strategies align with this conventional pattern, emphasizing the party’s consistent preparations based on this precedence.
Drawing parallels with political strategies from states like Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, Deb indicated the potential adoption of successful approaches in Haryana. He accentuated the role of the party’s chief strategist, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and highlighted the collective efforts of party workers in shaping electoral strategies.
Furthermore, on the subject of alliances, Deb indicated the party’s primary focus on strengthening its internal structure and organization. While acknowledging the importance of alliances, he emphasized that the party’s core agenda revolves around fortifying its own base and structure. The interview shed light on the BJP’s commitment to meticulous organizational groundwork, showcasing their intent to focus on holistic party development over short-term electoral alliances, as the state gears up for the upcoming political battles.