Mumbai: Bollywood actress Warina Hussain has revealed that she will no longer be using social media and will completely quit it. The actress announced her exit from social media in an instagram post on Saturday and quoted Aamir Khan’s statement from his last social media post on her personal account.
The B-town actress, Warina Hussain has followed the footsteps of superstar Aamir Khan as he gave up social media a day after his birthday, similarly, the actress decided to take a decision of no longer being available personally on social media. In her interviews she has always mentioned that she does not consider herself to be social media savvy. In past few months she has been seen with simple button phones, which has prompted a flurry of questions from her fans. In her usual quirky style Warina Hussain shared the following post in which she also mentioned Aamir Khan, saying, in Aamir sir’s language “dropping the pretence.”