Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha are ready to get engaged today, May 13. The engagement ceremony will take place in Delhi today. Well, even the Citadel star Priyanka Chopra landed in Delhi for her sister’s engagement this morning. Now, a video from inside the airport is going viral on social media platforms. In the video, the Citadel star can be seen getting a bit uncomfortable with a fan trying to click a picture with her.
In the viral video, we can see PeeCee walking towards the exit of the airport. The actress has her staff members and airport security person escorting her. While walking several fans approached her for a picture. One of the fans even tried to push the security member. Priyanka instantly stopped while one of her team members stopped the fan. She then obliged the fan with a picture, but the discomfort was clearly visible on her face.
Check out the viral video below
Talking about her airport look, PeeCee chose to go all comfy. The actress has arrived alone without her husband, Nick Jonas, and daughter Malti Marie Chopra.
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