Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt took to her official Instagram stories and shared a video featuring her lipstick tutorial. Vogue India released a snippet of a video in which the actress shared her hack to the perfect lip colour. She also revealed about Ranbir Kapoor asking her to ‘wipe’ her lipstick off. Ranbir’s comment created a stir on social media platforms. Alia shared the controversial video on her Instagram stories. In the caption, she wrote, “A little beauty and a lot of fun.”
Take a look at Alia Bhatt’s Instagram story
In the viral video, the actress said that she rubs her lipstick off because Ranbir would ask her to wipe it off. “The way I apply my lipstick is not considered. It’s a bit weird. The reason I do this, I’ll tell you why is because a lot of time after eating I touch up my lipstick, I don’t know, I think something about moving the lipstick across my mouth is just way more tedious as opposed to moving my mouth across the lipstick… I thought, that was just something that I worked out for myself and then, I rub it off. Because one thing my husband says when we used to go out at night, he used to say ‘Wipe that off. Wipe that off’. Because he loves the natural colour of my lip.”
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