In the Ramgarh village of Amritsar district, Punjab, the Congress sarpanch, along with his son and associates, engaged in an altercation that turned deadly. The sarpanch, accompanied by his comrades, surrounded two brothers and fired shots, resulting in the tragic death of one and the injury of the other. The police have filed a case against the sarpanch and a dozen others, all of whom are currently at large. The incident is suspected to be rooted in a dispute over land. Allegations from the deceased’s relatives suggest that the sarpanch and his family are involved in the narcotics trade, adding a complex layer to the motives behind this heinous crime. The escalating tensions led to this tragic incident.
According to information provided by Shamsher Singh, a resident of Ranghad village, he is a laborer by profession. His father, Vikramjeet Singh, is a respected figure in the village. The sarpanch was preparing to contest the upcoming Panchayat elections. This ongoing preparation to serve the village prompted frequent confrontations. A land dispute between Kuldeep Singh’s family and Hardeep Singh, also from the village, has been brewing.
Late Wednesday night, Kuldeep Singh, Harjeet Singh, and other villagers visited their home. During this encounter, the sarpanch, Nirvair Singh, along with Hardeep Singh and his associates, created a ruckus. Insults were exchanged, and threats were made regarding forcibly seizing Kuldeep Singh’s land. On Thursday morning around 8:30 AM, Kuldeep Singh, accompanied by his father, Kuldeep Singh, and a few others, headed towards Hardeep Singh’s house to file a complaint. Meanwhile, Karamjeet Singh was already present at the scene.
Upon spotting them, Karamjeet Singh called the sarpanch to the location. Subsequently, Hardeep Singh also engaged in a verbal exchange. He returned home to avoid further confrontation. From the other end of the street, Sarpanch Nirvair Singh arrived with his son Vishal Singh, Jashan Singh, Sukhvant Singh, Ganja, Satnam Singh, Simran Singh, Amarbir Singh, all armed. Upon seeing them, an attack ensued, including gunfire. In the process, Kuldeep Singh’s uncle Manjeet Singh Ladi was shot in the back. Additionally, Vikramjeet Singh, Kuldeep Singh’s father, sustained a gunshot wound to the leg. They raised an alarm, prompting the assailants to retreat.
In the chase, the culprits reached the victim’s house. There, they vandalized a Bolero vehicle parked outside. Alongside the accused, Baj Singh and Subhash Singh were also present. Firing shots as they fled, the culprits escaped the gathering villagers. They promptly took their uncle and father to the hospital, where the uncle succumbed to his injuries. The father remains in critical condition. The police from the Ghrida police station arrived at the scene, registering cases against the accused under charges of murder, attempted murder, and Arms Act violations. Multiple police teams are currently on the lookout for the suspects.