Actor-comedian Varun Sharma says when fans call him by the names of his popular on-screen characters, it is the biggest compliment he can get. “It makes me really happy when people refer to me as Choocha or Sexa (his characters in ‘Fukrey’ and ‘Chhichhore’ respectively) instead of my name. It’s a blessing for any actor to be recognised by the names of the characters they portray,” said the actor.
Varun, who has made his mark as one of the funniest talents in Bollywood lately, has now bagged an interactive stand-up comedy show as a host. Titled ‘Sabse Funny Kaun?’, the new show has 10-minute episodes and features 10 comedians. “I am truly thankful to the audience for showering so much love, and I’m happy to be back to entertain them. As an actor whose forte is comedy, people are always looking for you to crack them up and I am eager to give people that opportunity as the host of ‘Sabse Funny Kaun?’,” said Varun. Every episode sees two participants dishing out jokes across topical and alternative comedy. The show is live on the Flipkart app.
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