A severe road accident occurred last night in Hanumangarh, Rajasthan, where a high-speed car collided with a motorcycle. The accident resulted in the death of two young men riding the bike. A third person on the bike and the car driver sustained injuries. The car driver was referred to the higher centre after primary treatment. The Junction Police Station placed the bodies of both deceased individuals in the district hospital morgue and informed their families. The accident happened around 11 pm near the Abohar Road village and the Sadul branch canal.
The police reached the spot upon receiving the information. On-site, they found Munmun Ray (30), Colin (40), and Ajay (25), residents of Bengal, seriously injured due to severe injuries from the accident. The car driver, Vikram Singh, a resident of Punjab, was also seriously injured in the accident.
All four were transported to the Government District Hospital with the help of an ambulance for treatment. After a medical examination, doctors declared Munmun Ray dead, while Ajay succumbed to his injuries during treatment after some time.
Colin is currently undergoing treatment. The seriously injured car driver, Vikram Singh, was referred to a higher centre after primary treatment.
Eyewitnesses reported that after the collision between the two vehicles, the car overturned for two to three moments before coming to rest near the road barrier of the Abhay Command. Currently, the police have initiated an investigation into the incident.