Telegram, an instant messaging platform akin to WhatsApp, is gearing up to introduce a fresh sticker editor feature. With a reported user base exceeding 900 million active monthly users, the platform has announced its latest update, showcasing a new ‘sticker editor’ function. This feature, resembling WhatsApp’s functionality, will empower Telegram users to enjoy a more interactive experience with newly introduced sticker sets, enhancing their communication options.
The Sticker Editor introduces a range of customization tools, allowing users to convert photos into emojis, animated stickers, drawings, and GIFs. This built-in feature enables users to easily remove backgrounds, manually erase or restore parts of a photo, and add outlines with a single tap.
The accessibility of the new sticker editor feature is emphasized, with users able to access it conveniently. They can navigate to the sticker panel within any chat’s input field and simply tap the (+) button to begin creating a sticker.
Furthermore, users can effortlessly curate stickers for friends to reuse or supplement existing sets.
Once created, stickers can be used as emojis, providing a convenient shortcut for accessing stickers within Telegram. The app automatically matches stickers to typed emojis in chats.
Telegram has streamlined the sharing of stickers among friends by providing unique links. These links ensure easy access and previewing of sticker sets through link previews.
This sharing functionality enhances the process of sharing creativity with friends, fostering a dynamic and interactive messaging experience on the platform.
Additionally, Telegram has announced the introduction of the Sticker Editor tool, along with plans to release 16 more features over the course of the month. These updates aim to enhance the platform’s functionality and user experience, introducing new improvements and capabilities to meet the evolving needs and preferences of Telegram’s extensive user base.
Overall, Telegram’s latest update will introduce a plethora of new and improved features, with the Sticker Editor being a standout addition.
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