In a disturbing turn of events in Sonipat, a mother shockingly disposed of her foetus within the lavatory confines of a civil hospital, sending shockwaves across the city. The unsettling discovery of the foetus within the emergency ward’s restroom at the civil hospital immediately raised alarm bells, prompting an urgent response from Sector 27 Police Station.
Swiftly reacting to the distressing incident, authorities from Sector 27 Police Station initiated a meticulous investigation, delving into the footage captured by the hospital’s CCTV system. Their primary objective centers on utilizing the CCTV recordings to trace the parents of the fetus and unearth crucial details related to the incident.
Following the discovery, the foetus was swiftly transported to the civil hospital’s mortuary for a thorough post-mortem examination. The gravity of the situation has prompted the Sonipat Police to undertake a thorough and comprehensive investigation into the matter, stressing the importance of a diligent inquiry into this distressing occurrence.
The incident has rattled the local community, compelling law enforcement to prioritize a rigorous investigation into the unsettling event. As the investigation unfolds, the authorities in Sonipat remain committed to unraveling the details surrounding this deeply concerning incident that has gripped the city.