A delegation from the Shiv Sena (UBT) led by prominent leaders, including Sanjay Raut, Vinayak Raut, Arvind Sawant, and others, met President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday to address the ongoing Maratha community reservation agitation in Maharashtra. They urged President Murmu to convene a special Parliament session promptly to discuss and increase the reservation limit, citing it as the sole solution to the current unrest.
Sanjay Raut, the spokesperson for Uddhav Sena, emphasized the urgency of the matter, stating, “Currently, Maharashtra is going through turmoil, and there is a need for urgent measures to increase public confidence.” The delegation conveyed that the reservation issue cannot be resolved without increasing the quota limit to accommodate demands from various communities.
During the 45-minute discussion with President Murmu, the delegation presented the grievances of the Maratha and Dhangar communities. Raut highlighted the challenges faced by farmers and unemployed youth, underscoring the dangerous escalation of caste-based reservation issues in the state.
Raut expressed confidence in President Murmu’s commitment to addressing their demands, stating, “The President heard us patiently for nearly 45 minutes. She promised to look into our demands. We are confident she will keep her word.”
He clarified that the reservation matter falls under the purview of the Central Government, and a constitutional amendment is required to increase the quota limit. Raut emphasized the need for a parliamentary debate to decide the extent of the increase. Currently capped at 50% by the Constitution, any adjustment beyond this limit necessitates a constitutional amendment bill.
Raut acknowledged the complexities of the reservation issue, particularly concerning OBC communities, and emphasized the importance of ensuring that the reservations for Maratha and Dhangar communities do not impact other OBC castes. He concluded that increasing the quota limit appears to be the most viable solution to address the demands of the Maratha and Dhangar communities.