MUMBAI: Singer Shilpa Rao got hitched to a dear friend and visual artist Ritesh Krishnan on 25 January in Mumbai. The voice behind several Bollywood hits like ‘Ghungroo’, ‘Khuda Jaane’, and ‘Manmarziyan’, Shilpa has many reasons to be happy these days. The singer surprised her fans by tying the knot with Ritesh. The two, who have known each other for three years , managed to keep their relationship hush-hush until the news of their wedding came out.
Shilpa had recently announced her special bond with Ritesh as she posted a photo from their wedding with the caption, ‘First Selfie as Mr. & Mrs.’ While the two had an intimate ceremony in Mumbai in the presence of their family the couple celebrated their wedding lunch with close family members and Child Care Home children. Shilpa who closely visited the kids since early on always wanted them to be part of the celebration.