Another case has been filed against Karnataka Congress president D.K. Shivakumar for violating Covid-19 norms during his “Mekedatu Padayatra”, informed local police. “Around 41 persons including Shivakumar and MP D.K. Suresh have been named in an FIR that has been filed Sathanur police station of Ramanagara district on Monday for violating Covid-19 norms,” said a police officer. Earlier on Sunday, the first FIR was registered against 30 people for violating Covid-19 norms in the ‘Padayatra’.
The Congress in Karnataka on Sunday began its 11 days padayatra, despite the government’s Covid-19 restrictions, demanding implementation of the Mekedatu project across the Cauvery river.
Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai slammed Congress leader DK Shivakumar, who reportedly refused to take a Covid-19 test after the padayatra. Meanwhile, Shivakumar accused the government of trying to “infect” him with Covid-19 by exposing him to an official who tested positive for coronavirus. “Additional District Commissioner who came to test me last night has tested Covid-19 positive. He was sent to make sure that I get infected and test positive,” alleged Shivakumar on Monday.