The Himachal Pradesh government on Tuesday decided to keep schools in the state closed till 4 September in view of the rise in Covid-19 cases in the state. The decision was taken in the Cabinet meeting held here today under the chairmanship of CM Jai Ram Thakur.
Senior minister Suresh Bhardwaj said that the schools will remain closed till 4 September, while teaching and non-teaching staff will continue to attend schools. Bhardwaj, while addressing the media after the cabinet meet, said that a decision on opening of schools will be taken in the proposed cabinet meeting again in September and it which will depend on the Covid situation in the state. Earlier, the state government had extended closure of schools for classes 10 and 12, till 28 August. The cabinet has also extended the ban on students coming to schools by one more week till 30 August. Online education will continue in schools.