The lifeless body of retired Inspector Nirmal Singh (70), a resident of Bhan Singh Colony in Bhan, was discovered in Jahaaz Maidan in Faridkot, Punjab. The retired inspector, who served in the Cooperative Department, was found with a gunshot wound to his head. The police recovered a licensed revolver from the vicinity of the body, raising concerns of a potential suicide. The police have sent the body for post-mortem to Guru Gobind Singh Medical College Hospital while investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident.
The police received information on Tuesday afternoon about the discovery of a body at Jahaaz Maidan. Subsequently, a police team, led by SHO Jaspal Singh of City-2 police station, arrived at the scene. The deceased has been identified as Nirmal Singh, and initial police investigations suggest the possibility of suicide. However, a thorough examination of all aspects is underway.
Meanwhile, neighbors of Nirmal Singh suspect foul play in his death. As the revolver was found in a different direction from the crime scene, and with no mobile phone recovered, they believe this could be a case of murder. The deceased leaves behind two children who reside abroad. The police are diligently examining every angle to ensure a comprehensive investigation into the retired inspector’s untimely demise.