The Bharatiya Janata Party announced two candidates, Madan Rathore and Chunnilal Garasiya, for the Rajya Sabha candidature on Monday. It was said that the Central Election Committee of the BJP has approved both names, however, Alka Gurjar, Bhupendra Yadav, Om Prakash Mathur, Satish Poonia and Rajendra Rathore were also in the race for candidature.
The two selected members from Rajasthan met Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma at his residence on Tuesday. Madan Rathore and Chunnilal Garasiya expressed their gratitude to the Chief Minister for their candidature.
It is worth noting that the nomination for the elections of 56 members of the Rajya Sabha has also started in 15 states in the country. Out of 56 members, 3 members will be elected from Rajasthan and sent to Rajya Sabha.
In such a situation, the BJP has announced its two candidates in Rajasthan. Whereas Congress has not yet announced its candidate. However, Rajasthan Congress has made a proposal to make former Congress President Sonia Gandhi its candidate.
Voting for 3 Rajya Sabha seats is to be held in Rajasthan Assembly on 27th February. According to the number of candidates from BJP, Congress, Independents and other parties, two candidates from the ruling party of the state and one from Congress are certain to be elected unopposed. Rajasthan has 10 seats in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament. Among these, at present, there are six members of Congress and three of the BJP. While one seat is vacant. Assembly members will vote in the election of Rajya Sabha members.
At present, after the assembly elections, the BJP has 115 MLAs in Rajasthan while Congress has 70 MLAs. The BJP, having a majority in the state assembly, is expected to secure two seats, while Congress may claim one. However, the official announcement of Congress candidates is still pending.
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