Police and BSF have seized a drone and 2.5 kilograms of heroin from approximately 3 kilometers from the border. Providing details, DSP Bhikhiwind Preetinder Singh mentioned that the police and BSF received information about a drone being flown into Indian territory near B.O.P. Dharma from Pakistan. Acting on this information, the Khalra police station and personnel from the 103rd Battalion of BSF Sector Amarkot conducted a search operation near the village of Daleri. It resulted in the seizure of a drone and a packet containing 2.5 kilograms of heroin from the fields. Legal action has been taken against an unidentified person at the Khalra police station. Notably, the seized heroin is estimated to be valued at 12.5 crores in the international market.
The ongoing trend of Pakistan dispatching heroin and weapons into Indian territory using drones continues. Deployed along the border, the Border Security Force (BSF) and Punjab Police have been seizing drones and heroin daily through search operations.