A day after Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s display of resentment before media on premature repatriation of Punjab Cadre IPS Officer Kuldeep Singh Chahal, Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit wrote back to the CM saying the action was taken after reports of “misconduct”.
Chahal had joined as senior superintendent of police (SSP), Chandigarh, in October 2020 and was repatriated to Punjab even though he still had 10 months remaining in his three-year tenure.
“The contents of the letter demonstrate the stern reaction of Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit and it says that due care has not been taken to ascertain the facts while writing the said letter and dispatching it. Had that care been taken, then such a letter could not have been written at, in the first place and It must be noted,” Purohit, who is also the UT administrator, said in his letter.
“When serious inputs started coming about the misconduct of SSP U.T. Chahal, I ascertained their authenticity from reliable sources, after which, I communicated telephonically with the Chief Secretary, Punjab on November 28, 2022, my decision to remove Chahal, SSP U.T. from critical post. At the same time I advised him to send a panel of efficient IPS officers for the post of SSP, U.T. I also told him that DGP, U.T. Praveer Ranjan, will apprise you of the facts,” he added.
The letter further adds, “Accordingly Praveer Ranjan met CS, Punjab, on November 30 at 4.30 pm and narrated the details of the case and also requested for a panel, to be sent by government of Punjab. The same day, Advisor U.T. Administration also talked to the CS telephonically and made a request for sending a panel. Chief Secretary, Punjab also met me in my office on that very same day at around 5.30 pm and apart from discussing other matters, he was also advised by me, to send a panel of IPS officers, as early as possible. Kuldeep Chahal, IPS, too called on me on November 30 and he was clearly told that he had to go back to his Punjab Cadre. Since during this period you were busy, campaigning in Gujarat assembly poll, it was not possible for me to contact you.”
The governor added, “You also raised unnecessary issue of Punjab versus Haryana in this connection which is not applicable in this case of adhoc appointment, for a very short period i.e. for a week or two. I wish you should have considered these aspects before writing a letter to me.” Purohit also lambasted the CM Mann, saying, “Yesterday I had written to you a letter about a serious complaint of custodial rape and extortion by SP Ashish Kapoor. The complaint was made by MLA North (Amritsar) (Kunwar) Vijay Partap Singh, in a video clip, who was then IG Punjab and I am pained to learn that no concrete action was taken on that complaint. I desire you to take a look at these facts. Adviser UT has already requested you to send a panel of IPS officers for the post of SSP, U.T.”