Jammu, March 13: In a significant move aimed at fostering entrepreneurship among socially disadvantaged sections of society, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan evam Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan (PM-SURAJ) national portal today. This launch coincided with the announcement of credit support sanctioned to one lakh entrepreneurs from these marginalized communities, a gesture hailed by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha as a vital step towards empowering the underprivileged.
Expressing gratitude to the Prime Minister for his unwavering commitment to uplifting the economically weaker sections, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha emphasized the significance of providing opportunities for dignified livelihoods to those often left behind. The launch of PM-SURAJ and the sanctioning of credit support signify the government’s dedication to inclusive development.
In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, 1747 beneficiaries hailing from Scheduled Caste, Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Safai Karamchari communities were extended assistance to embark on entrepreneurial ventures. This initiative not only aims at economic empowerment but also seeks to instill a sense of dignity and self-reliance among the beneficiaries.
Prime Minister has ensured that no one is left behind. From basic facilities to education and financial inclusion, he has undertaken many reforms to create a large pool of young entrepreneurs from marginalized sections of society,” remarked Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, highlighting the comprehensive approach towards socio-economic upliftment.
Joining the launch ceremony from Jammu, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State, PMO, reiterated the government’s commitment to bolstering entrepreneurship and economic empowerment across the nation.
In a parallel effort to enhance the well-being of disadvantaged sections, Ayushman Health Cards and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits were distributed to beneficiaries under the National Action for Mechanised Sanitation Ecosystem (NAMASTE) initiative. This initiative underscores the government’s holistic approach towards ensuring health and safety for all citizens, especially those engaged in sanitation-related occupations.
During the event, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with Neelam Kumari, a resident of Kathua, who availed government loan facilities to establish her boutique. Recognizing her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to creating employment opportunities for other women, the Prime Minister commended Ms. Kumari for her contribution to the economy and society at large.
The nationwide outreach event witnessed the participation of approximately 3 lakh beneficiaries from various government schemes targeting disadvantaged groups. Participants from over 500 districts across the country joined the program, signaling a widespread endorsement of the government’s efforts towards inclusive growth and development..