For the coming financial year, PGIMER is allocated Rs 1923.10 crore, which is Rs. 73.10 crore more than last year’s revised budget estimates whereas Chandigarh Administration has received 661.79 crore budget for Health Department. The highest allocation was for the creation of capital assets with Rs 343.10 crore. In the previous year, under this head, Rs 270 crore was provided. The grant- in-aid for salaries and the budget estimate under the grant-inaid (general), which remain same as previous year i.e. Rs 1300 crore and Rs. 270 crore respectively.
Rs. 10.00 Crore were allocated under budget Head GIA (SAP). However, the proposed amount was Rs. 2250 crores for this year. “This is initial allocation and as per our past experience we always get required funds under Supplementary Grants (November/December) based on expenditure pattern and new developments (like new recruitments , projects, etc.) during the year,” said Kumar Abhay, Financial Advisor, PGIMER, Chandigarh.
For the Chandigarh Administration, the Budget for the Financial Year 2023-24 is Rs. 6087.10 Cr. (Revenue Rs. 5365.07 Cr. + Capital 722.03 Cr.) as compared to the Budget Estimates 2022-23 of Rs. 5382.79 Cr. (Revenue Rs. 4843.46 + Capital Rs. 539.33 Cr.) has been presented for Union Territory Chandigarh there by making an increase of Rs. 704.31 cr. (i.e. 13.08%). The major distribution to various sectors are – Education Rs. 1102.25 Cr., Energy Rs. 963.30 Cr., Housing and Urban Development Rs. 844.97 Cr., Police Rs. 743.40 Cr., Health Rs. 661.79 Cr., Transport Rs. 400.68 Cr. and other Rs. 1370.71 Cr.