Former Punjab Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Captain Amarinder Singh who arrived in the national capital on Tuesday said that he has come to Delhi to vacate Kapurthala House, further clarifying that he is not going to meet any politician during his visit.
Speaking to reporters at the Delhi airport, Capt Amarinder said, “I am here to vacate Kapurthala House (the official residence of Punjab Chief Minister in New Delhi). I am not going to meet any politician here.” Further responding to a question on Punjab Congress Chief Navjot Singh Sidhu’s resignation today, the former Chief Minister said, “This man (Navjot Singh Sidhu) is unstable.”
Amid various speculations over Singh’s Delhi visit, his media advisor Raveen Thukral had earlier in the day said that the former is on a personal visit to the national capital. “Too much being read into Capt Amarinder’s visit to Delhi. He’s on a personal visit, during which he’ll meet some friends and also vacate Kapurthala house for the new CM. No need for any unnecessary speculation,” tweeted Thukral.
This is Captain Amarinder’s first visit to the national capital after his resignation as the Punjab Chief Minister on 18 September.