Amidst the recent violence in Manipur, Chief Ministers of neighbouring states, Sikkim’s Prem Singh Tamang and Mizoram’s Zoramthanga, have expressed concern over the safety of their citizens and students in the affected state. While Sikkim CM Tamang reached out to his Manipur counterpart for assistance in taking care of Sikkimese students and citizens, Mizoram CM Zoramthanga is making efforts to evacuate people from Manipur and ensuring the safety of Manipuri people residing in Mizoram. Both CMs have urged the central and Manipur governments to take necessary steps to end the violence and ensure the safe return of stranded people to their homes.
Sikkim Chief Secretary V B Pathak held an emergency meeting to review the well-being, safety, and security of Sikkim students studying in Manipur. The Sikkim government has taken necessary measures to ensure the safety of its students, including deploying adequate force in the colleges and hostels where the students are studying and residing. A helpline number has also been set up for Sikkim students in Manipur to contact in case of emergency.
Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga has written to Manipur Chief Minister Biren Singh and had a telephonic conversation with him regarding the violent clashes. Zoramthanga also spoke to Union Home Minister Amit Shah and requested additional central armed forces be sent to Manipur. The Mizoram home department has activated help line numbers for its residents stranded in Manipur and assured the safety of Meiteis living in Mizoram. The department has called for peace and harmony to be restored in Manipur and urged all cross sections of society in Mizoram to work towards maintaining peace.
The unrest in Manipur has been triggered by the demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status by the majority Meitei community residing in the valley areas.