NEW DELHI : Actor Neena Gupta recently completed the shooting of her much-anticipated film ‘Shiv Shastri Balboa’, which also features veteran actor Anupam Kher in the lead role. On Saturday night, Neena took to her Instagram handle and shared a string of images and videos from the wrap-up celebrations organised for her by the film crew. “My shoot over for #shivshastribalboa had a great shoot back after a month,” Neena wrote in the caption while announcing the wrap-up.
In one of the videos, the ‘Badhaai Ho’ actor could be seen shaking a leg with a Russian dancer. “Aur ab roop parivartan,” Neena wrote in the caption referring to her modern avatar compared to what she will be seen sporting on-screen for the movie’s character. Taking to his Instagram handle on July 22, Anupam Kher unveiled the first look poster of ‘Shiv Shastri Balboa’ featuring him with Neena. The actor revealed that the movie will be “a fascinating tale of survival of an Indian in a small town in America.”