On Wednesday, former Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Singh met the team members of the Oscar-winning documentary film ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ team members. During the meeting at that time, director Kartiki Gonsalves and the couple, Bomman and Bellie, were present at the Chepauk Stadium.
Taking to Twitter, team CSK dropped a string of pictures and wrote, “Roars of appreciation to the team that won our hearts! So good to host Bomman, Bellie and filmmaker Kartiki.
Dhoni could be seen posing with Kartiki, Bomman and Bellie and handing them the CSK jerseys with their names printed on the back. Team CSK also dropped a video in which Dhoni and CSK management team could be seen greeting the Oscar winners at the Chepauk stadium. “Captain Cool’s daughter Ziva could also be seen posing with her father and team ‘The Elephant Whisperers’. In the video, Dhoni along with director Kartiki can be seen posing with the Oscar trophy.
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