Authorities in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district have initiated legal proceedings against an individual for disseminating false information regarding militants via social media platforms, as confirmed by police on Wednesday. The accused, identified as Sameer Ahmad Paray from Kabikoot village, allegedly posted content on his Facebook profile under the pseudonym ‘Babar Azam’, purporting to show […]
Authorities in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district have initiated legal proceedings against an individual for disseminating false information regarding militants via social media platforms, as confirmed by police on Wednesday.
The accused, identified as Sameer Ahmad Paray from Kabikoot village, allegedly posted content on his Facebook profile under the pseudonym ‘Babar Azam’, purporting to show images of arms and ammunition while claiming that a new individual had joined militant ranks in the Pulwama district. Upon investigation, Paray was found to be circulating inflammatory material on social media platforms, which posed a threat to public peace and tranquility, according to a police official. Subsequently, a case bearing FIR no. 23/2024 u/s 505(b)/IPC has been registered at the Rajpora police station, with investigations underway.
Law enforcement authorities have issued a stern warning to the general public, urging them to refrain from sharing any false or misleading content on social media platforms. They emphasized that strict action would be taken against individuals found culpable of disseminating malicious content online.This development underscores the authorities’ commitment to maintaining law and order in the region and curbing the spread of misinformation that could potentially incite unrest or panic among the populace.
As digital platforms continue to play a significant role in shaping public discourse, law enforcement agencies remain vigilant in monitoring online activities to ensure the safety and security of citizens while upholding the principles of free speech and responsible online behaviour.