A 22-year old man was arrested by the Delhi Police on Wednesday for allegedly impersonating Spanish actor Manu Rios to trap young girls on social media. The accused has been identified as Abbuzar Rehman. The accused tried extorting money as he threatened to leak pictures of these girls.
“A complaint was registered at the Cyber police station through the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Cyber Crime reporting portal, alleging the accused of extorting money from her and threatening to make her pictures viral on social media. On the basis of the complaint, a case was registered at PS Cyber North and an investigation was taken up. The police arrested the accused on Monday,” the police said.
The police recovered three sim cards, one memory card and two mobile phones used in the offence.
It was alleged that the accused introduced himself to the complainant as a small-time Spanish actor. After some time, she became his friend and shared her private pictures with him.
Abbuzar started demanding money from her, threatening to make her pictures viral on social media. When the complainant did not budge to his demands, the accused made a fake ID of the complainant, using one of her private photos and shared the same with the complainant to threaten her.
The police said that during the course of the investigation, details of the alleged Instagram profile were obtained and, on the basis of those, IP addresses and mobile numbers used in the registration of the alleged profile were also obtained.
“These IP addresses were further sent to concerned mobile operators, from where the mobile number and IMEI number used in the offence were found and the identity of the alleged person was ascertained,” the police officials added.
The accused has been served with a notice under section 41 A of CRPC, following the guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court in the Arnesh Kumar V/s State case.